Irish Genealogy Research Guide
This is a detailed guide to researching your Irish ancestors.
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Handouts from current and past meetings
January 18th – Old Irish First Names and Nicknames
Irene Morgan
Can’t find an ancestor in the records? First-name aliases could be the root of the problem. Old Irish given names were often disguised by a variety of Latin and English “translations” and nicknames. Our Irish ancestors used these aliases freely, blissfully unaware of the confusion this would create for their descendants centuries later.
Irene Morgan will discuss Irish first names: how they were pronounced and translated, the culture of use, and most importantly, how they appear in the records. Join us to discover how Biddy and Delia evolved from Bríd, why Lacky can trip us up, and lots more. Morgan, a native Irish speaker, is the resident genealogy writer for Ireland Reaching Out and founder of Irish Quest.
The presentation will be available on Zoom only at 10:45 a.m.