
The Irish Family History Forum is a non-profit Long Island based organization with hundreds of members, dedicated to promoting and encouraging the research and study of Irish genealogy and family history.  …………………………

IFHF Goals:.….

  • 1. To promote awareness of and interest in Irish history, genealogy, family history, culture, and tradition, and foster the study thereof by conducting meetings, workshops, seminars, field trips, and educational programs.
  • 2. To encourage the preservation of genealogical records and public access to civil and religious records.
  • 3. To disseminate and publish genealogical and historical materials, including a newsletter, at its discretion.
  • 4. To promote and adhere to the highest ethical and scholarly standards in its endeavors.
  • 5. To do such other things it may elect to do to further the purposes of the Forum as set forth in its Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws.

 Meetings and Events

The Forum generally hosts meetings on the third Saturday of each month (except July, August, and December).

These meetings typically feature:

  • Speakers on various genealogy and Irish cultural topics
  • Genealogy Education Sessions with our education chairperson
  • Opportunities to ask one-on-one questions of our “experts”
  • Refreshment break to meet and socialize with other members

Occasionally we present a “Show and Tell” session with members sharing their genealogy experiences, ideas, and finds.

We also organize various museum, cemetery, and historical tours, and an annual Christmas Luncheon.

Meeting Format:

Refreshment 2.25 x 3Refreshment Break
Meet and socialize with other members.

Ask the Experts 2.25 x 3Ask the Experts
This is an opportunity to meet one-on-one with an experienced genealogist to ask a basic genealogy question.

Speaker 2.25 x 3Speaker
Most months we present professional speakers on various topics of interest to our members.

Check our Calendar  for information about upcoming meetings and events.

You can also visit us on Facebook.


Our award winning- newsletter, published quarterly, features articles on such topics as Irish genealogy resources, repositories, websites, members’ research experiences, occupations and traditions of our Irish ancestors, Irish and Irish American history, research tips, and recommended books.

Our Website, offers access to our:

In addition, IFHF members have access to our:

You can Join or Renew online.

IFHF Library
The Forum’s John Rowane Memorial Library is housed at the LDS Family History Center in Plainview, NY. The library materials include over 500 items including: books, journals, newsletters, audio and video tapes, CDs, pamphlets, reference materials, etc. of general and Irish-related genealogical significance. There are volunteers available at the FHC to assist with research. Members may borrow most materials at the library or on request can be picked up at one of our meetings at the Bethpage Library.

In addition to our collection in the FHC, members can use our Irish research collection in the reference room at the Bethpage Public Library.

Our library collection is indexed and can be accessed at Library

Membership Benefits 

  • Welcome Guide,
  • Newsletter subscription,
  • Access to the Member Resources section of our website
  • Library access
  • Participation in trips, tours, social events
  • Much more.

Membership in the Irish Family History Forum is available as follows:

  • Individual $30
  • Family $40
  • Student $15

You can Join or Renew online.

Donations: The Forum works to preserve and make available physical and electronic resources, via both the internet and the Forum’s library of physical materials housed at the LDS Family History Center in Plainview, NY. You can help us by donating.

You can also visit us on Facebook.