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Upcoming Events – 2024
September 21 |
Finding Female Irish Ancestors Researching Irish female ancestors presents a unique set of challenges that can both intrigue and frustrate genealogists. Employing creative research methods and using social history resources specific to women can aid in the search. O’Connell will review methodologies used to discover the lives of Irish women who immigrated to the U.S. in the 19th century, bringing them into their rightful place in history. Stephanie O’Connell, CG, is a professional genealogist who specializes in British Isles research. She has served as a ProGen mentor and a SLIG faculty member, and has presented lectures for the NGS Family History Conference, New York State Family History Conference, Roots Tech, and Family Legacy Tree Webinars. The presentation will also be available on Zoom at 10:45 a.m. for those members who are unable to come to the library. Register in advance for this webinar: REGISTER HERE. |
October 19 |
Plentiful Country: The Great Potato Famine and the Making of Irish New York In 1845, a fungus began to destroy Ireland’s potato crop, triggering a famine that would kill one million Irish men, women, and childre —and drive over a million more to flee for America. A decade later, the U.S. had been transformed by this stupendous migration, nowhere more than New York. These Famine Irish were consigned to the lowest-paying jobs and subjected to discrimination and ridicule. Even today, the popular perception of these immigrants is one of destitution. But it turns out that the Famine immigrants did far better, far more quickly, than we have previously realized. Historian Tyler Anbinder will discuss the topic of his new book, Plentiful Country: The Great Potato Famine and the Making of Irish New York, which upends popular beliefs about the Famine Irish in New York and beyond. Drawing in particular on the Emigrant Savings Bank records, Anbinder will present the stories of the Irish refugees who settled in New York and helped reshape the entire nation. The Wall Street Journal calls Anbinder’s book “a superb revisionist history.” Tyler Anbinder is an emeritus professor of history at George Washington University, having taught there for 30 years. He is the author of three award-winning books: Nativism and Slavery; Five Points; and City of Dreams: The 400-Year Epic History of Immigrant New York. The presentation will also be available on Zoom at 10:45 a.m. for those members who are unable to come to the library. Register in advance for this webinar: REGISTER HERE. |
November 16 |
Researching Irish Probate Records Steven Smyrl, who has been a professional genealogist since 1989, is a past president of Accredited Genealogists Ireland. He is a founding member of the Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations, serving twice as its chairman. He was elected a Fellow of the Irish Genealogical Research Society in 2007. He is author of Dictionary of Dublin Dissent: Dublin’s Protestant Dissenting Meetinghouses 1660-1920. The presentation will also be available on Zoom at 10:45 a.m. for those members who are unable to come to the library. Register in advance for this webinar: REGISTER HERE. |
December 14 |
Annual IFHF Holiday Luncheon |